An Expert Group Meeting on Biofuels and bio-based chemicals was held in Trieste, Italy from 9 to 11 May. Adoption by developing countries and countries with economies in transition of renewable energy technologies, and in particular technologies for the production of biofuels and added value products from biomass not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and explores alternatives to fossil resources, but offers investment opportunities and social benefits such as energy security and the creation of jobs.
To respond to the recent criticism that biofuels are responsible for increased food prices, it is important to remember that the production of next generation biofuels from waste biomass adds value to zero cost feedstock, and at the same time disposes of matter that would otherwise be an environmental harzard.
Developing countries often lack the capacity to adopt sustainable bio-based industry. The ICS programme aims to build this capacity and spread awareness of the related science and technology issues through training (fellowship programme, training courses, e-learning), organization of events (conferences, workshops, meetings), development of decision support tools, dissemination, networking and strengthening cooperation of institutions in developing countries (promotion of science and technology and capacity building projects).
The objectives of the EGM:
- to strengthen operational linkages with selected institutions, research centres and centres of excellence located in developing countries and countries with economies in transition operating in the field
- to update participants on the ICS and UNIDO mission and programmes in the field of biofuels and bio-based chemicals, and the related opportunities for developing countries and countries with economies in transition
- to identify potential beneficiaries of ICS training activities and potential partners for future projects in the field of biofuels and bio-based chemicals
- to discuss the framework, objectives, content areas, and partnerships of the ICS e-learning programme in the field.